Galvanic Lift Dermal Booster
Galvanic uses low voltage electrical currents to prevent signs of premature aging. Galvanic Lift is a new Dermal Booster that can be added to any of our facials. The Galvanic device is [...]
Galvanic uses low voltage electrical currents to prevent signs of premature aging. Galvanic Lift is a new Dermal Booster that can be added to any of our facials. The Galvanic device is [...]
What is a Jade Roller? A jade roller is a facial massage tool with a history dating back to the 17th century. In Chinese culture, jade is associated with balancing [...]
1. A Sunburn Damages Your Skin When you expose yourself to UVA (aging) and UVB (burning) rays for a long period of time without sun protection, the UV light kills [...]
We've noticed an increase in skin care questions from men, along with a boost in men requesting facials. Therefore, we've decided to dedicate this to all the guys out there [...]
Oxygen Facials may seem new to us, but they've been around for over a decade. With so many celebrities taking the oxygen plunge, it's reached new levels of popularity. Most [...]
For most of us, obtaining and maintaining healthy, radiant, and clear skin takes work. It is the same with our bodies. If we want to be healthy and physically fit, [...]
Whether you’re marrying your love, celebrating a milestone, or attending an event ~ if all eyes will be on you, you’ll want your skin to be radiant, natural-looking and flawless. [...]
From skin tightening to hydrating and pore reduction, different face masks are formulated to address different skin concerns. If you have never used a face mask or do-so periodically, it is [...]
When it comes to advanced facial treatments, it can be a bit daunting in understanding what’s involved in the treatment, what results the treatment will produce and if there will [...]
Chemical Peels and IPL Photofacials are non-surgical treatments that target specific skin conditions like rosacea, broken capillaries, sunspots, acne and collagen production. Results are highly effective, particularly when used on [...]